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The dream

In 1963 Martin Luther King Jnr delivered a speech that was titled “I Have a Dream” .That speech went on to be recognized as the top American speech of the 20th century. In his speech Martin Luther King Jnr spoke about a future America that he dreamt about with equal Civil Rights between different races. What really inspires me about him was that he was a man who dared to dream about a better future, he was a man who dared to challenge the way things were done and see a future where back and white people were equals. At the time that he wrote this speech segregation where white people were viewed as more superior than black people was the prevailing situation. It almost seemed impossible for the two races to be treated as equal. So what seemed impossible to many ended up happening. That is the power of having a dream. Put in simpler language, a dream is something in the future that you want to achieve, it is a future state that you are working towards achieving, and it is a big goal that you are moving towards achieving.

No matter how old you are, or where you come from, you should have some goal or target that you are working towards achieving. For some school children who are writing important exams this term, their dream may be to pass all their subjects. For a business person your dream may be to see your business grow and prosper. For someone else your dream may be to own a stand or an asset or even see different parts of the world. Within our minds and hearts lie many various dreams that can be accomplished with God’s help.

In today’s Bible reading we meet Joseph the son of Jacob or Israel as the Bible refers to him. The Bible tells us that Joseph dreamed a dream. This type of dream is the type that arises when a person falls asleep to get a good night’s sleep. What interest me about Joseph is that years later, those same dreams that he had eventually became a reality. My sisters and brothers in Christ that is the power of a dream. Who knows maybe that idea, that desire, that goal is Gods way of leading you to what He wants to bless you with. The Bible goes further to tell us that Joseph told the dream to his brothers and they hated him for that dream. As you work towards making your dream a reality, you must know that you will face obstacles, resistance, mountains, opposition, rejection, set-backs from those close to you and those far away. Even though you will face these challenges, always remember that God is Able. No matter how impossible it may seem believe in God’s Word and that He will fight for you and is working on your behalf. God will never leave you. God is for you and He has open arms and He will never fail you. God helps to make dreams come true.


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