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21 Best Low Cost Small Business Startup Ideas for Teens

What business can a teenager start? What are the best low cost small business startup ideas for teens? Can a teen successfully start a business? Is your teenage child showing traits of independency or displaying the entrepreneurial spirit and you are considering a possible business your teen can start? Then I implore you read on to find the answers you seek.

Many people believe the chances of startup success for teens are limited but I am writing this to dispute your belief. Teens have a great chance of succeeding as entrepreneurs if they get the right guidance. And most teens that start a small business end up becoming successful entrepreneurs and business owners.

I have written in-depth articles on how to become a billionaire, how to make a million dollars fast, the best small business ideas, how to become a millionaire fast and how to start a catering business from home. But i think it’s high time i write something to empower teenagers. After all, i started out in business as a teen.

Most of the drop out billionaires and richest people in the world started out as teen entrepreneurs. Bill gates, Ingvar Kamprad, Li Ka Shing, Richard Branson, Michael Dell, Walt Disney, Simon Cowell, Sir Philip Green and so many others started business as teens.

Ashley Qualls of WhateverLife dropped out at 15 to focus on her website building business and she was a multi millionaire by 17. If these individuals can start a business at such a young age and turn out to be successful; I don’t see why you can’t build a successful business as a teen.

If you are a teen reading this article and you are in search of possible low cost small business startup ideas you can start; then the list below will prove useful to you. Please I want to advice that you carryout a feasibility study within your vicinity to know which of these business ideas will be profitable. Doing a feasibility research will increase your chances of success.

The startup businesses listed below were compiled bearing in mind that teen entrepreneurs are always faced by one critical business challenge: “inadequate Startup Capital.” So because of this challenge, the business opportunities listed below can be started by any teenager for little or nothing; meaning that most of them can be launched with $0 startup capital.

So if you are ready to learn; then below are 21 best low cost small business startup ideas for teens you can start today regardless of your country. Whether you reside in the U.S, U.K, Nigeria, Ghana, Canada or China; you will find the list below useful.
                21 Best Low Cost Small Business Startup Ideas for Teens

1.            Start a lawn care business

2.            Start a blog around your passion or hobby

3.            Start a web building development business

4.            Start a home errand service business

5.            Start a pet grooming service

6.            Start a business making and selling hand crafts

7.            Start a proofreading service business

9.            Start a carpet cleaning business in your neighborhood

10.          Start a mini home based tutoring business

11.          Start a mini library for kids

12.          Start an E-Store 

13.          Start a magazine or newsletter publishing business

14.          Start a printing broking business

15.          Start a baby sitting service business

16.          Start a home service car wash business

17.          Start a pet sitting business

18.          Start a house cleaning service; raking leaves 

19.          Start a computer diagnosis business

20.          Start a leather polishing business

21.          Start a grocery delivery service

Written by Ajaero Tony Martins
Ajaero Tony Martins is a serial entrepreneur and investor with several successful companies in his portfolio. He does business in one of the world’s toughest environment Nigeria and has an audacious goal to become a billionaire in his life time


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